Taskheat is available on the App Store, the Mac App Store, and Setapp.
On the App Store, Taskheat is distributed as a free-to-try application with a 14-day trial period.
In the App Store, we set a price tier, and then Apple automatically defines the price in your currency. We don't have any options to set a specific price for a particular country.
Here are the current prices for Taskheat in the most popular currencies*:
$9.99 | 10.99€ | £9.99 | ¥1220 | CN¥68 | HK$78 |
*Prices may differ for some countries that use the same currency. The application will present you with the actual cost before you make the purchase.
Taskheat is also available among the other great apps on Setapp. If you have a Setapp subscription, you can use any version of Taskheat available with no limitations.